Posts tagged ELA
Coffee Break with Cornelius Minor - Part Two

Part Two

Cornelius Minor is an avid proponent of change, a disrupter for good in my view, and an energetic educator-driven by students rights for access to learning.  If you haven’t heard him speak, then I would strongly encourage you to do so.  This is Part Two of our Coffee Break, continuing our fascinating discussion...  

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Coffee Break with... Dr. Diane Lapp

Dr. Diane Lapp, Distinguished Professor of Education in the Department of Teacher Education at San Diego State University, has been an incredible mentor of mine for over 16 years.  She has encouraged and supported my journey, stretched my thinking and consistently provided the best advice. Her intellect, support and encouragement are traits of great role models.  

I had the pleasure to spend time with Diane at ILA West, and fire a few questions.  She was as engaging as ever. 

Let’s hear some of her thoughts...


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