Cool Links
Here's some good resources and some stuff I like.
I love this site for the FREE reliable, practical and valuable student and teacher resources, webinars and research on text complexity, vocabulary, and ELL’s, .
When I was an RTI teacher I used were the FYI for Kids TextProject also has loads of other resources and one specifically called FYI for Kids. That fact that this site has free ebooks and articles to research is invaluable to me.
Sign up for the newsletter for webinars etc. Additionally, the founder, president and CEO is Dr. Elfrieda H. (Freddy) Hiebert.
TextProject's three priorities in support of its mission are:
creating products and prototypes for student reading programs, primarily based on the TExT model of text complexity
providing teacher support resources and classroom reading activities supporting and disseminating related research
What I love best about Dr. Shanahan’s website is his blog. He answers educators questions with great examples and research. He is extremely knowledgeable, insightful and clear in his explanations and examples.
He also makes many of his PPT presentations available, and has a great section on free resources and links.
This is a wonderful site for parents and teachers of young readers and struggling readers. It has A LOT of information. This was my go to site when I was an RTI Teacher and Coordinator. When parents of the struggling readers I worked with asked for information. I often sent them here with links to certain articles and information.